Main Page
From SimDemocracy Archives
The wiki for SimDemocracy — an online experiment governed fully democratically since 2019. Our community is active on r/SimDemocracy and Discord.
The Secretary Name National Archives
Welcome to the Secretary Name National Archives, or National Archives for short – the pride and joy of r/SimDemocracy’s Archives Commission.
What are the National Archives? The National Archives of r/SimDemocracy contains all the information on the current and past state of the experiment. Containing documents detailing our history and all current and past laws for the spread of knowledge in simdem.
If you have any questions please contact the r/SimDemocracy Archives Commission, which is led by Chief Archivist u/No_Development_7300 or Ferris on discord.
Link | |
Contents | Contents |
Constitution | Constitution |
Statute Laws | Legislation |
Executive Orders | Executive Orders |
Minecraft Law | Minecraft Law |
Repealed Law | Repealed |
Case Law | Case Law |
Bar exam | Bar exam |
Historical material | History |
Formatting Standards | Formatting |
User Guide | User guide |
Government Officials
Occupied Office | Identifiable name | Discord |
Elections Supervisor | Syndicality | astralisyndica |
President | Muggy | ._.symph0ny._. |
Vice President | Thyme | thymaerys |
Chief Archivist | Ferris | f3rri5_ |
Attorney General | Terak | terak |
Secretary of State | whitethommy | whitethommy |
Secretary of Treasury | Matt Cheney | mattyr_31808 |
Secretary of Expansion | Delarosa | blanchedelarosa |
SDBI Director | mypenjustbroke | mypenjustbroke |
Secretary of Technology | Stoner | shitfacedstoner |
Secretary of Defense | Strix | wanderer2115 |
Director of OHS | NotCom | notcommunist366 |
Secretary of Voter Registration | iaccp | crimsonexus |
Independent Ombudsman | Ghost | .ghost001 |
Minecraft Governor | Mufflin | ragamuffiln |
Discord Supervisor | hackerman | hackerman848 |
Reddit Supervisor | viad | _viad |
Role | Name | Discord | |
Speaker | Lucas | _lucasdaboi_ | /u/Serious_Camera_7089 |
Deputy Speaker | Ivy | ivycactus | u/Ivy-Cactus |
Senator | BTernaryTau | bternarytau | /u/BTernaryTau |
Senator | Tie | tywearingatie | /u/AbsurdistByNature |
Senator | Akimov | akimovthedomesticthreat | u/BluePantalaimon |
Senator | Creative | creative0690 | /u/Sorry_IamNotCreative |
Senator | Frisian | frisianoutlaw_ | /u/frisianoutlaw |
Senator | hmquestionable | hmquestionable | u/hmquestionable |
Senator | Tech Support | techsupport5767 | /u/TechSupport631 |
Senator | Max | maxzes_ | /u/Maxzes_ |
Position | Identifiable Name | Discord |
Chief Justice | Alexa | beamx4. |
Justice | Syndicality | astralisyndica |
Justice | Sparty | thelittlesparty |
Judge | Ed | not_ed__ |
Judge | Heinrich | heinrich0772 |
Judge | Ben | benbookworm97 |
Judge | Britz | britzy1707 |
Judge | Tirado | trolledfloppa |
Judge | Average | intelligentdonut |